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Health & Safety Plan October 7, 2020

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Health & Safety Plan:  Our Strategies for Resuming In-Person Instruction

  • The Salon Professional Academy has adopted the recommended policies of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Montgomery County, and the CDC regarding mitigating the spread of COVID-19. We will continue to monitor their sites for updated guidance and, when necessary, reach out to the appropriate authority for clarity.
  • The Salon Professional Academy will resume in-person instruction on June 15, 2020. Social distancing, masks, temperature checks, and modifications regarding certain processes will be observed during the yellow phase of COVID-19. In addition to the notes below titled “Students Must”, modifications include but are not limited to:
    • faucets changed to touchless (coming soon)
    • soap dispensers changed to touchless
    • handles on bathroom doors to allow opening without the use of hands
    • water fountains will be temporarily closed
    • directional arrows in hallways to assist with social distancing
    • posters installed with information on stopping the spread, wearing masks, etc to increase awareness and knowledge while reducing stigma around COVID-19
    • biometric timeclock will be temporarily closed and attendance will be recorded manually
    • stanchion and rope to limit touching of retail
    • sneeze guard at register when guests return to The Academy
      • guests will not return to The Academy until the governor places us in the green phase
      • see “Guests Must” for other guidelines guests must follow
    • disinfectant bottles were purchased for each station, classrooms, etc and will be assigned as such providing easy access for every area in the building
    • all magazines are removed from the lobby
  • The Salon Professional Academy will monitor the health conditions on our campus regularly by observing all for symptoms and taking temperatures before anyone enters the building and we will mitigate and contain the spread of the virus by taking the following precautions:
    • The symptoms that are representative of COVID-19 are: fever, shortness of breath, dry cough, sore throat, and new loss of smell or taste.
    • If a team member/student displays any of the symptoms of COVID-19, prior to entering The Academy:
      • Team members/students will not be allowed to enter The Academy.
      • Team members/students will need to be free of symptoms for 14 days before entering The Academy.
      • Team members/students will need to test negative from COVID-19 before entering The Academy.
    • If a team member/student starts displaying symptoms of COVID-19 while in The Academy:
      • Team members’/students’ temperatures will be taken (anything above 100.4 will be considered a fever).
      • Team members/students who display symptoms will need to leave The Academy immediately and self-isolate (separate themselves from others).
      • Team members/students should notify a healthcare facility promptly and follow the guidance of the healthcare provider.
      • Team members/students will need to test negative from COVID-19 before entering The Academy.
    • If The Academy is informed a team member/student has tested positive for COVID-19:
      • The Academy will contact local health authorities about the team member/student’s illness and follow the recommended protocols.
      • The Academy will work with the health authority to collaborate the steps that need to be taken to inform others who may have been exposed.
      • The Academy will take every precaution to protect the team member/student’s health information and maintain her/his privacy.
      • The Academy will close off areas used by the person who is sick. If the infected person was throughout, The Academy will close for 24 hours to fulfill proper cleaning/sanitizing of the building.
  • Team members and students will be informed of any changes to The Academy’s procedures or polices either through announcements in the building, emails, or text messages. The public can find any applicable announcements on our website and social media platforms. The Academy will make all announcements in a timely manner to keep everyone abreast of changing situations and to keep everyone healthy.
    • Any comments or concerns can be directed via email to Jennifer Killeen, Operations Director, at jkilleen@tspacollegeville.com
    • Students should make every effort to make sure her/his phone number, email, and mailing address are updated

Students must:

  • wear a mask to enter and remain in The Academy
    • masks can be any color
    • masks must go around your ears and not your entire head
    • no one will be permitted to enter the building without a mask
      • masks will be available for purchase if someone forgets one
  • have her/his temperature taken (non-contact thermometer) before moving out of the lobby
    • temperature must register less than 100.4⁰ to remain in the building
    • anyone having symptoms of COVID-19 must stay at home and self-quarantine for 14 days
      • symptoms include but are not limited to: fever / chills, cough, shortness of breath / difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle / body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea
      • anyone who has become sick with COVID-19 symptoms, tests positive for COVID-19, or has been exposed to someone with COVID-19 symptoms must notify Jennifer Killeen, Operations Director via email at jkilleen@tspacollegeville.com immediately
  • immediately proceed to the nail area sink to wash hands for at least 20 seconds before moving anywhere else in the building
  • follow all directional arrows and social distancing guidelines
  • leave all personal items at home or in your car
    • other than kit items and necessary school items (notebook, pens, etc) you may bring a wallet, keys, and phone into the building
    • all items brought into the school must be kept in your locker
    • lunches may be placed in the refrigerator but the breakroom will be closed so plan to eat outside or in your car

Team Members must:

  • wear a mask to enter and remain in The Academy
    • no one will be permitted to enter the building without a mask
      • masks will be available for purchase if someone forgets one
  • have her/his temperature taken (non-contact thermometer) before moving out of the lobby
    • temperature must register less than 100.4⁰ to remain in the building
    • anyone having symptoms of COVID-19 must stay at home and self-quarantine for 14 days
      • symptoms include but are not limited to: fever / chills, cough, shortness of breath / difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle / body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea
      • anyone who has become sick with COVID-19 symptoms, tests positive for COVID-19, or has been exposed to someone with COVID-19 symptoms must notify Jennifer Killeen, Operations Director via email at jkilleen@tspacollegeville.com immediately
  • immediately proceed to the nail area sink to wash hands for at least 20 seconds before moving anywhere else in the building
  • follow all directional arrows and social distancing guidelines
  • leave all personal items at home or in your car
    • other than items necessary for the daily lesson, you may bring a wallet, keys, and phone into the building
    • all items brought into the school must be kept in the Educator’s Office

Guests must (when we are allowed to open for guest services):

  • wear a mask to enter and remain in The Academy
    • no one will be permitted to enter the building without a mask
      • masks will be available for purchase if someone forgets one
  • have her/his temperature taken (non-contact thermometer) before moving out of the lobby
    • temperature must register less than 100.4⁰ to remain in the building
    • anyone having symptoms of COVID-19 must stay at home and self-quarantine for 14 days
      • symptoms include but are not limited to: fever / chills, cough, shortness of breath / difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle / body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea
      • anyone who has become sick with COVID-19 symptoms, tests positive for COVID-19, or has been exposed to someone with COVID-19 symptoms must notify Jennifer Killeen, Operations Director via email at jkilleen@tspacollegeville.com immediately
  • immediately proceed to the nail area sink to wash hands for at least 20 seconds before moving anywhere else in the building
  • follow all directional arrows and social distancing guidelines
  • call for an appointment (no walk-in appointments are allowed)
    • remain in your car or outside until you are called to say that your student is ready for you
    • do not bring additional people with you as no one may wait in the lobby
      • we will still perform services on minors but they must be able to be in The Academy without a parent present (parents must wait in their car or immediately outside to be available if an issue arises)
    • no one may wait in the lobby
  • bring only a wallet, phone, keys and, if desired, book or magazine
    • please leave all other unnecessary items at home or in your car
    • all print materials like magazines have been removed from The Academy
  • sign a waiver attesting to being COVID-19 free and having no contact with anyone who has exhibited COVID-19 symptom
  • pay an additional $1.50 per visit for COVID-19 related costs

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